Become a Blake Theater member

Blake Theater offers many levels of sponsorship and Booster memberships for Corporations and individuals. Specific perks and benefits are associated with each level and are outlined below. For a printable version of our sponsorship levels, click here.
Of course, if you would like to make a simple donation to our general fund without becoming a member, there is a way to do that as well! Just look for the button at the bottom of the page that says “DONATE”.
To pledge your support, either download and return the Sponsorship Form or use our convenient paypal feature.
Patron of the Arts – $2,000 +
Recognition on production T-shirts, posters and flyers
Full-page ad in our season performance programs**
10 General admission tickets to Season performances** in the Don Thompson Theater
10 General admission tickets to Season performances** in the Black Box Theater
5 General admission tickets to our One-act performance
Ability to request a download link for production photos
4 Theater Department Polos
2 Booster Memberships
50% off any program shout-outs
Name Listed in Program
Ticket concierge service number
Ability to reserve seats prior to house open
Producer’s Circle – $1,500
Recognition on production T-shirts, posters and flyers
Full-page ad in our Season performance programs**
8 General admission tickets to Season performances** in the Don Thompson Theater
8 General admission tickets to Season performances** in the Black Box Theater
2 General admission tickets to our One-act performance
Ability to request a download link for production photos
2 Theater Department Polos
2 Booster Memberships
50% off any program shout-outs
Name listed in Program
Ticket concierge service number
Ability to reserve seats prior to house open
Associates Circle – $1,000
Recognition on production T-shirts, posters and flyers
Full-page ad in our Season performance programs**
6 General admission tickets to Season performances** in the Don Thompson Theater
6 General admission tickets to Season performances** in the Black Box Theater
2 General admission tickets to our One-act performance
Ability to request a download link for production photos
2 Theater Department Polos
2 Booster Memberships
50% off any program shout-outs
Name listed in Program
Ticket concierge service number
Ability to reserve seats prior to house open
Director’s Circle – $500
Half-page ad in our Season performance programs**
4 General admission tickets to Season performances** in the Don Thompson Theater
4 General admission tickets to Season performances** in the Black Box Theater
2 General admission tickets to our One-act performance
2 Theater Department Polos
2 Booster Memberships
50% off any program shout-outs
Name listed in program
Ability to reserve seats prior to house open
Designer’s Circle – $275
Quarter-page ad in our Season performance programs**
2 General admission tickets to all Season performances** in the Don Thompson Theater
2 General admission tickets to all Season performances** in the Black Box Theater
2 Theater Department Polos
2 Booster Memberships
50% off any program shout-outs
Name Listed in Program
Stage Manager’s Circle – $150
6 ticket flex pass for Main Stage Season performance**. May be used for a single show, divided among the four Main Stage shows, or any combination.
2 Booster Memberships
10% off any program advertisement. 20% off program shout-outs, and Theater Department Polos
Name Listed in Program
Cast & Crew Circle- $100
4 ticket flex pass for Main Stage Season performance**. May be used for a single show, divided among the four Main Stage shows, or any combination.
2 Booster Memberships
Name Listed in Program
Sponsor – $75
50% off any 1 ticket to EACH Season performance** in the Don Thompson Theater
50% off any 1 ticket to EACH Season performance** in the Black Box Theater
Name Listed in Program
Other opportunities
Single Show Advertising – See our “Program Ad” form
Program shout-out ($30) – send a word of encouragement to your favorite actor, technician, musician, or teacher. Shout-outs appear in a single show program. 140 Characters
Theater Department Polo ($20)
** Season performances include our major Theater Department Performances with a curtain time of 7 PM (does not include the One Act).
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